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Category: Advisory

Getting our heads out of the weeds!

I refer to the syndrome of never getting out of the details as being "in the weeds."
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What to do when approached by a buyer?

In speaking with a lot of owners of private businesses, I often hear stories of them being approached - seemingly out of the blue - by someone knocking on the door and looking to buy their business.
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Time to evaluate

You will exit your business one day. This is just an irrefutable fact; as the saying goes, ‘death and taxes are the only two certainties!'
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The Critical Components of Effective Leadership

Back in 2008, Michael McGrath first sat down at a kitchen table with Anthony Moorhouse, former Australian Special Forces commander and then owner and founder at the crisis management company
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Is this a good time for a business owner to contemplate an exit?

Our view on this is yes, with some important caveats. Firstly, and now more than ever, a business really needs to be across its numbers and have a well-articulated outlook.
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First Rule of the Game, Stay in the Game

I was recently interviewed by the Talking Law podcast. In our discussion Joanna Oakey and I tackled some of the issues facing small to medium sized enterprises at the moment
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Where to now in the face of COVID-19?

I was recently interviewed by Joanna Oakley at The Deal Room where we explored the enormity of problems facing business owners trying to sell in the face of the Covid-19
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The Coronavirus and what it means for business

First Rule of the game is #StayInTheGame. As I write this on Sunday lunchtime, 15th March, things are moving fast. I spent most of the weekend trying to be useful
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Entrepreneurship – What is it? Is it innate? Or must it be nurtured?

Entrepreneurship is a subject among several others which were tackled when I was interviewed by Anthony Moorhouse who himself is an entrepreneur and was a client of Oasis for over
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Succession Planning – a practical approach

‘Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans’ said John Lennon in the lyrics of Beautiful Boy released in 1980. Not his own line, it is
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How setting up a management board within a business can be a game changer

I sat down recently with Joanna Oakey from Aspect Legal and discussed a range of issues from starting out in business right through to succession and deal making. In this
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