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Category: Managing an SME

What are tyre kickers and how you can avoid them?

What are tyre kickers and how you can avoid them

I was struck by the recent article in the Australian Financial Review by Yolanda Redrup, who quoted a frustrated CEO of Infomedia saying he had “closed the door on tyre kickers”. I have witnessed this frustration many times, where vendors become sick of so-called buyers who turn out to be not serious acquirers.
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How to sell a business: Lesson #7 covers the critical matter of deal structure. Once a willing buyer and a willing seller agree that...

How to Sell a Business Lesson #7: How to fairly structure a deal

Lesson #7 in our series, How to Sell a Business, covers the critical matter of deal structure. Once a willing buyer and a winning seller agree that they wish to transact, how should the transaction be constructed?
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In just a couple of years, Generation Z will make up around a quarter of the workforce. This will have a significant impact on our working...

Gen Z: How will they change your business?

In just a couple of years, Generation Z will make up around a quarter of the workforce. This will have a significant impact on our working lives, and business owners will need to enter their world to understand what they want and how they communicate.
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Rapid unexpected disruption!

Rapid, unexpected disruption!

New AI phenomenon ChatGPT has the potential to be a big disruptor. For business owners, it highlights just how the best laid plans can come undone, and there is no perfect time to sell.
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Cybercrime is on the Up!

Cybercrime is on the Up!

Recently, Oasis senior staff were targeted by a fraudulent email, purporting to be an email from the CEO. It left us vulnerable to a cyberattack.
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How to sell a business: Lesson #6

How to Sell a Business Lesson #6: How to sell a business when you’re not making a profit?

Businesses in Australia make an average profit of just under 10% of turnover. However, 20% of businesses in Australia don’t make any profit, that’s about 200,000 companies! In Lesson #6 we address the very real question facing those owners who are not making any profit, is my business worth anything?
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Five thoughts to stimulate your thinking going into 2023!

Five thoughts to stimulate your thinking going into 2023!

As we contemplate a new year, we wanted to share with you some of the more practical reoccurring themes that Oasis has encountered while completing over 500 business sales. While I would hope that most of these you have already heard about in one form or another, I am reminded that repetition is the mother of skill.
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Valuations for tech start-ups fallen

Valuations for tech start-ups have fallen. Why? and What does it mean?

Valuations for tech start-ups have fallen. Why? What does it mean? Five months ago, the market sell-off smashed valuations in the tech. sector. Angel funds felt the brunt of the lower valuations and lower multiples. Many start-ups have lost out.
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What price would you put on working from home?

What price would you put on working from home?

There's a “burgeoning body of evidence” that social media harms young people’s mental health and continuing to use it unjustifiable. This issue affects us all – what is reasonable usage and how much is too much?
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Future proofing your business through technology!

Business leaders know they need to embrace technology, and many of us are aware we should be doing more.
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What to do when approached by a buyer?

In speaking with a lot of owners of private businesses, I often hear stories of them being approached - seemingly out of the blue - by someone knocking on the door and looking to buy their business.
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The Art of delegation!

Successful businesses are often run by people who are very good technically who then develop the ability to work in a team before becoming leaders in their own business.
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When to sell? This year, next year, sometime… never?

This question was recently addressed by our European colleague John Willcox-Jones. We’ve shared his insights here because they’re very relevant to Australian businesses.
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Every deal is a triumph over adversity

I was recently interviewed by the Talking Law podcast. In our discussion Joanna Oakey and I talk about lessons learnt from doing deals in this time of COVID-19 pandemic, and what the future looks like for the mid-market in M&A.
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What the hell should I do? A guide to making decisions under pressure

We all try to use common-sense when making decisions, but this can be difficult during periods of turbulence and change. Read on to find out our three easy steps for keeping your head while making tough calls.
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