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Category: Markets

What price would you put on working from home?

What price would you put on working from home?

There's a “burgeoning body of evidence” that social media harms young people’s mental health and continuing to use it unjustifiable. This issue affects us all – what is reasonable usage and how much is too much?
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2021 More Challenging than 2020!

Is the unstable geopolitical environment effecting valuations and deal-doing in Australia?

I have been asked this question by owners quite a lot recently. The short answer is not yet, or at least not directly.
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Hybrid work, good or bad for business?

Hybrid work, good or bad for business?

Companies are concerned about the implication of a hybrid working policy on productivity levels, loyalty, team-cohesion, and longevity. The burning questions are: Should work-from-home continue post-pandemic? If so, on what basis? Is hybrid work good or bad for business?
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Your mobile phone - Godsend or ball and chain?

Your mobile phone – Godsend or ball and chain?

There's a “burgeoning body of evidence” that social media harms young people’s mental health and continuing to use it unjustifiable. This issue affects us all – what is reasonable usage and how much is too much?
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Booming market! Non-alcoholic booze showing 315% growth

Booming market! Non-alcoholic booze showing 315% growth

Emerging sectors are always of interest to us here at Oasis – they highlight trends and themes which sometimes later become mainstream.
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2021 more challenging than 2020!

2021 More Challenging than 2020!

Two out of three companies reported disruption this year and many companies are not expecting improvements until 2023.
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The Market will ultimately do the heavy lifting on the environment

The Market will ultimately do the heavy lifting on the environment

Sustainability is vital and necessary irrespective how dire we think climate change is. We need creative solutions and innovation which is why I loved Kate Howitt’s piece in the AFR on November 1st.
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The Omicron Variant – the next Delta or a storm in a teacup?

The Omicron Variant – the next Delta or a storm in a teacup?

Last week I travelled to Victoria, the first such trip since the last lockdown – it was good to get moving again. Things were looking up; people are making holiday plans and then, like many of you, I heard the news on Friday about the latest variant.
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The supply chain challenge

Many of you know that I am on the board of several private companies, five of which are manufacturers. We love manufacturing here at Oasis Partners.
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What lies ahead in 2019?

I’ve been asked more than once in the last few weeks what we think about the outlook for 2019. A loaded question, and perhaps more loaded than usual given the
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