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Category: Sell your business

M&A Outlook 2017: Key sectors and trends

2016 was a tumultuous year on all accounts. With political uncertainty arising from Brexit and the unexpected results of the US election, along with economic uncertainty as China imposed tighter
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Finally, some positive news!

Busting popular myths surrounding the Australian way of life. As we come to the end of another year, like us you are probably wondering where the time went. Whilst the
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It’s Never Too Early To Sell!

Wal-Mart acquires the year-old for $US3.3b Larger, more traditional businesses offer the potential for significant capital, distribution and scale to smaller, more agile businesses who bring smarts and IP.
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How Acquirers Value Your Business

If you think valuing a publicly listed business is not straight forward, try valuing a private company. The truth is that a business is worth whatever a buyer says it
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10 Steps to Prepare your Private Business for Sale

I think the notion of ‘Preparing your business for sale or exit’ is a complete oxymoron. When I hear professionals spout on about this increasingly fashionable topic fueled by the
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How most business owners sabotage their business sale

How most business owners sabotage their business sale

Go to any  business broker or M&A Firm to sell your business and the first thing they’ll probably do is start preparing a detailed document called an Information Memorandum (IM)
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