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Welcome to the Business Troubleshooters Podcast

We aim to put you in touch with real life business lessons that may help you save valuable time rather than trying to figure it all out on your own.  


Each month Mike McGrath delves deep into the lives and careers of business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders that have spent time in the tough school of hard knocks.

Intimate and deep dialogue aimed at really getting to the heart of the stories, behind the gloss and successes. So why not jump-in and take a listen to the brightest and best leaders sharing the good, the bad and the ugly!

Also available on:

Troubleshooters Podcast: Season 2 Wrap up!
Frank Li, From Migrant to Dux to Deal Maker
Tim Hutchinson, Unlocking AI
Nick Armstrong, Unlocking the Power of AI
Sheree Sullivan, Turning Grit into Gold
Tom Hardwick, From Suits To Start Ups
Tom Waterhouse, Betting on Legacy
Human Leaders over Hero Leaders!
How to Play the Long Game!
Meet Mr EBIT
Finding Purpose
Overcoming a set-back!
Edible Blooms Overnight Success!
The Deal Doer's Deal Doer
Pat Farmer the Ultra troubleshooter!
The Troubleshooters Podcast: Season 1 Wrap up!
Own a Piece of Your Very Own Chocolate Factory!
Putting the Environment First
The Power of One
Finding a Way to Survive and Then Thrive

Podcast produced by Martin Franklin/East Coast Studio